Install Kali Linux 2022.2 On Your Android Device

Install Kali Linux 2022.2 On Your Android Device


When we say desktop operating systems we might say Windows or Mac. These operating systems are not free to use. But on other hand we have open source, Debian-based Linux distributions where we can pick from a lot of operating systems like Ubuntu, Deepin, MX Linux, Kali Linux, Parrot OS and many more. Among these operating systems one of the most popular one is Kali Linux. It is popular for most of its tools used in penetration testing, security research, computer forensics and reverse engineering. For some case you are travelling somewhere there you can't take you laptops with you or for enthusiasm you might think that what if I could keep Kali Linux in my pocket device.

Installing Kali on Android device is difficult and easy. Depends on your expertise and how much you can solve the problems you are facing. It's completely different from installing Kali on Desktop version. For, installing Kali there is a untold perquisite that you will need 9GB of free storage. You have to install it on main memory you can't install on external memory(SD card). kali Linux is light weight OS. You don't need high end hardware in the device to smoothly run it. But my suggestion a device with good chipset, 4GB RAM or more and Android Version 10 or above. Let's start the installation process.
First go to Play Store and install Termux. Open Termux and provide it storage permission:


Click Allow when asking permission

Now, we need to Wget on termux run following commands one by one

pkg install update
pkg install root-repo
pkg install wget

Press y and Enter where needed.
To make Wget executable we will need to upgrade all the packages. Run the command

apt upgrade

Press y and Enter where needed.

Now let's download and install Kali 2022.2/ latest version. Run the commands

wget -O install-nethunter-termux
chmod +x install-nethunter-termux

It will take 20-30 minutes. Depending on your internet speed and hardware configuration of your device. When all done there will be
[?] Delete downloaded roofts files? [y/N]. Its better you delete the files which will save the storage. Press y and Enter.
Here are some important commands. Now we can use the CLI mode. Type


To see OS name type


To see version name type

grep VERSION /etc/os-release

OHH!!! We want to use the desktop mode. For that download NetHunter App Store. Download from and install. Open NetHunter Store and search KeX. Download and install NetHunter Kex.

Go back to Termux set KeX password. Type

kex passwd

Set any 6 digit or more password and set a view-only password.

Now launch a VNC server.


Here you will find a port number this case it is 5901.

Go to NetHunter Kex and change the port number and put the password you set and click on connect. Now you are in Kali Linux GNU. Here you can have the complete desktop exprerience.

To stop Desktop mode type

kex stop

You can check this in the form of video tutorial on YouTube: